About Us

HyperLaw is powered by Axiom Total Data Management
A company with great ambition and 100s of years worth of relevant experience in the space of Total Data Management

At Axiom TDM, we address all challenges surrounding big data by utilising our expertise in data retrieval, unstructured data analysis and search technologies. Our expertise is within the legal market where HyperLaw is one of our core solutions, which enables legal professionals to deliver client service, better, faster and with stunningly predictable results.

HyperLaw is an innovative cloud-based solution that supports the future of legal practice, recognising that clients constantly want better outcomes for lower fees, while legal professionals constantly want to produce better outcomes for higher profits. Built into our solution are cutting-edge tag and annotation tools, a digital time line, a powerful search function, document assembly, rapid document bundling and your very own HyperLaw calendar. These advanced tools have collectively contributed to accelerating HyperLaw as a solution, that ultimately drives productivity gains and improved performance in every barristers’ chambers or law firms that acquires it.

Our mission is to provide cutting-edge tools to all legal professionals so that they can conduct all legal matters as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.

Our Expertise

Unstructured Data Analysis

Unstructured data relates to the myriad of data that has no form or index. Typically, this may be digital or indeed may comprise of hard copy documents and images that are not digital. This type of data is an asset usually impossible to mine or utilise. However, our experience in converting all unstructured data forms into one manageable and workable data set, overcomes this obstacle.

Data Discovery

Barristers’ chambers and law firms know that data comes in various structures. For instance, data can be structured or unstructured, it could subside in existing systems or may even be lost on internal networks. With our experience in data discovery, we can find invisible data and then integrate them with non-digital data assets. The HyperLaw platform does exactly this to deliver full transparency of all your data, in one standardised format.

Data Extraction

Having discovered exactly where everything is located, the HyperLaw platform will literally extract either pre-defined data elements, or all data elements (or any subset thereof) into HyperLaw’s digital layer. In effect, this delivers a fully digital vault of value for a barrister in chambers or a solicitor in a law firm.

Data Processing

Providing electronic tools for lawyers is the core of HyperLaw’s processing engine. It provides optical character recognition and classification of documents and forms, advanced power search, a visual time line, electronic tagging and mark up of almost anything. The results are impressive.

Actionable Intelligence

The HyperLaw platform provides you with visibility of data you probably didn’t know you had, cutting-edge tools for shaping data in the interests of your client and improved legal outcomes with significant efficiency savings.

HyperLaw Barrister

Cloud-based legal software to support direct access barristers and barristers working within chambers.

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HyperLaw Litigation

Cloud-based legal software to support litigating solicitors within a law firm.

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Here is a selection of law firms and chambers that have HyperLaw users

On average, our customers can save up to 30% on costs by using HyperLaw. See how much you could save…
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